The Destination of the Korean Denuclearization w



H.R. McMaster

Herbert Raymond HR McMaster served as the 26th national security advisor. He served in the Trump administration from February 20, 2017, to April 9, 2018.

H. R. McMaster

Herbert Raymond McMaster (born July 24, 1962) is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as the 25th United States National Security Advisor ...

Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, U.S. Army (Ret)

McMaster served as a commissioned officer in the United States Army for thirty-four years before retiring as a Lieutenant General in June 2018.

HR McMaster: Why did Trump dump national security adviser?

US President Donald Trump has replaced his National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond McMaster after just over a year on the job, ...

READ: H.R. McMaster's departure email to the NSC

National security adviser H.R. McMaster has agreed to resign and will be replaced by former US ambassador and Fox News analyst John Bolton, ...

[PDF] The Honorable Herbert Raymond “H.R.” McMaster

Herbert Raymond H.R. McMaster served as the 26th national security advisor. He served in the Trump administration from February 20, 2017, to April 9, ...

H.R. McMaster

H.R. McMaster is the Fouad and Michelle Ajami Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is also the Bernard and Susan ...

National Security Adviser a two

In his new job, McMaster will lead the National Security Council, charged with delivering his own “effective advice” to the president on ...


HerbertRaymondHRMcMasterservedasthe26thnationalsecurityadvisor.HeservedintheTrumpadministrationfromFebruary20,2017,toApril9,2018.,HerbertRaymondMcMaster(bornJuly24,1962)isaretiredUnitedStatesArmylieutenantgeneralwhoservedasthe25thUnitedStatesNationalSecurityAdvisor ...,McMasterservedasacommissionedofficerintheUnitedStatesArmyforthirty-fouryearsbeforeretiringasaLieutenantGeneralinJune2018.,USPr...